Talking of our online classes we’ve been running for 50 weeks now, with an average of 13 classes a week, that’s 650 classes in the last 12 months, exercising some 4743 participants, not including the private lessons. We are so pleased that we have managed to keep so many people fit during this very difficult last 12 months. Many thanks for your support, it is very much appreciated. Unfortunately the current Covid situation is not over yet though, so we will have to continue online for some months yet.
We are still attracting new members to our online classes, so it’s not too late to start. Just get in touch and well send you all the details.
You need very little room, a hard backed chair and some light weights. Tins of beans/soup are ideal.
Remember you can do exercise in the safety of your own home. We offer a free one to one tutorial class to anyone joining us on on line for the first time just ask.
If you know of anybody that could benefit from our classes please forward our details to them.
The online system is safe and simple to install on the smartphone, tablet, laptop or desk top computer.
If you have any concerns or queries please give Geoff (07921319877) or Nigel (07714419024) a call and they will be happy to assist.
If you fancy joining us you will find all of our contact information on our web site